Next meeting - Thursday, March 27

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Montgomery Country Club
Speaker: Jason Wells

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Mark your calendars to join us for our next meeting on March 27th. Jason Wells with Jackson Thornton is our speaker for our meeting and will update us on business valuations.  

Thank you for the 16 members who have already sent their RSVP to attend.

We had 11 volunteers at our serve event in February at the Heart of Alabama Food Bank.  I was able to go on a tour with the group before they started to work.  It is an amazing facility and the staff was so welcoming!! 

Remember to RSVP by March 21 if you plan on attending the March meeting so we have an accurate head count for the country club to set up the room for us.  Look forward to seeing everyone there.

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